2017 2018 Information
Welcome to a new dance season at DelMonico Dance!
For information about our Fall 2017 – Spring 2018 Rec Dance schedules, please CLICK HERE to view and or download a copy. Thank you.
Family Portal:
You are able to register online using the Family Portal. You can access the family portal from our website. Once set up, you can view your family information, class schedule, billing statements and more.
Class Attire:
Dancers should wear comfortable clothing that they can move and stretch in.
Examples include: leotards, dance/yoga pants, dance shorts, tank tops, etc. Boys can wear athletic shorts, t-shirts, etc. Please no jeans or sweats. Dance apparel and shoes can be purchased at Step-n-Stretch in Woodbury, MN.
The following shoes are required for each class.
Preschool: Pink Ballet and Tan Strappy Tap (boys should wear black ballet and black tap shoes)
Kindergarten: Pink Ballet and Tan Strappy (boys should wear black ballet and black tap shoes)
1st/2nd Grade: Tan Slip-on Jazz Booties and Tan Strappy Tap
3rd/5th Grade: Tan Slip-on Jazz Booties and Tan Slip-on Taps (if taking tap)
6th/12th Grade: Tan half/ballets for lyrical and/or jazz. Tan Slip-on Taps.
Hip Hop: Clean tennis shoes or combat boots (for recitals they will need to purchase the same style shoes that are decided on)
Dance Bags:
All dancers should have a bag to keep their shoes in, labeled with their name. For younger dancers, bags can be brought into the dance room for easy shoe changes. For older dancers, please leave your bags in a cubby.
Registration Fee:
There will be an annual registration fee of $25 due at time of registration per dancer, along with the first months tuition to hold your spot. For the second dancer there will be a $15 registration due. Three or more dancers will not be charged a fee.
Tuition Costs:
30 minute class = $35 Dancer will have one costume for each 30 minute class.
45 minute class = $44 Dancer will have two costumes for each 45 minute class.
60 minute class = $50 Dancer will have two costumes for each 60 minute class.
Boys Hip Hop = $31 Boys will have one costume.
Mommy & Me = $35 No costume. Dancers will not perform in year-end recital.
Families with multiple dancers will pay full tuition for the child taking the most hours. A 10% sibling discount will apply to the sibling taking the least amount of hours. Additional siblings will get a 5% discount on tuition. September tuition and annual registration must be paid prior to the start of the class to reserve your spot.
Tuition is due on the first of every month. There is a $25 late fee for tuition not paid by the 5th of the month. If you wish to pay with cash or check, please turn payment into the front desk before the 1st of each month.
Credit Card Processing Fee:
All of our families will have an account set up in our family portal. You will be able to log on at any time to see your account history. We will automatically withdraw payments for tuition on the first of every month. If you set up your account using a checking account, you will not have a processing fee. If you prefer to use a Visa, or Master Card, your account will be charged a processing fee of $3.00/month.
Dancers who participate in the annual dance recital will need to purchase a costume/s through DMD. Costumes are selected by our staff and will be age appropriate. Costumes are $75 each. This includes costume and tights; not shoes. Costume payments will automatically be charged to the account on file if not paid by check before the first of the month in which it is due. Costume payment dates are noted on the following page.
Costume Payments are as follows:
October 1st: 1st Costume / November 1st: 2nd Costume / December 1st: 3rd Costume (if applicable)
Attendance and Make-up Classes:
Attending class is very important for dancers. Each week we will learn new skills or new sections of the recital dance/s. If a dancer misses a class and wishes to make-up the class, please contact your dancer’s instructor for make-up options. Make-ups are not required but are recommended. Dancers coming late to class should enter when music is not playing as to not distract other students.
Cancellation Policy:
If at any time you find the need to withdraw your dancer/s from their class/es, please contact our studio immediately. Tuition for the current month will not be refunded.
Parents are welcome to stay in the lobby during class. We ask that there is no eating or drinking on the carpeted area of the lobby. Please use the tables and stools in the eating area. If siblings are present, no running or roughhousing allowed. Please make sure to bring a quiet activity for them. We ask that you do not distract your dancer during classes.
Photos/Picture Day:
We often have staff photograph dancers during class time or special events. These photos may be posted on our website, Facebook, or in ads promoting DelMonico Dance. When registering for classes, you’ve agreed that we may use any photographs taken of your dancer for these purposes. No name will ever be listed with these photographs. In the spring we will have professional pictures taken of all our dance classes. Students will wear their recital costumes and take both individual and group photos that will be available for purchase.
DelMonico Dance has an active Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter! “Like” us to see photos, updates, contests, and more. Also, please tag DelMonico Dance in any dance photos you post with the tag #delmonicodance #dmdartists #dmdfamilyforever
Special Needs, Allergies, etc.:
If your dancer has special needs, allergies, etc., please let the teacher know. Also make sure to input that information under your dancer’s tab or family portal.
Please have your dancer use the restroom before entering their dance class. Restrooms are located near the office, behind the half-hall with the television.
Front Desk:
Please feel free to ask any questions and get information from the front desk staff. We will try to keep you posted on all relevant information via the family portal and e-mail but if questions arise, the front desk staff is available to help!
Please keep us updated on your e-mail address. If your e-mail changes, please update it in the family portal and send us an email at info@delmonicodance.com to let us know! We don’t want you to miss out on receiving important information!
We offer free WiFi throughout the studio for your convenience. Please see the front desk for network name and password information.
We will have our annual year-end recital on June 10, 2017. All dancers will have the option to participate in the recital. The recital venue will be announced at a later date. Dancers should arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the show. Dancers will stay backstage during the recital under the supervision of a DMD staff (pre-school dancers can sit and watch the show with their parents after they dances. More information will be handed out in the spring.
Dress Rehearsal:
All dancers in the recital are required to attend a dress rehearsal prior to the recital. This will aid in helping with any worries about being on stage and help our recital show to run smoothly.
Mission Statement:
The mission of DelMonico Dance is to enrich the lives of children through the art and expression of dance with an emphasis on proper technique. Students will be provided a safe and nurturing atmosphere that challenges them to strive for personal excellence through the development and improvement of skills and personal style. The students will develop a sense of team work and be able to foster relationships that will last a lifetime. Through these relationships, students will grow by encouraging each other to achieve their personal best. We want our dancers to create memories here that surpass the amount of trophies they have won. Teachers will be encouraged to further their education and skills by taking classes and attending workshops. It is the commitment of DelMonico Dance to operate with honesty and with integrity; to build cohesive relationships as a dance family, and to offer quality instruction. Every child has a talent and must be allowed to explore this talent in his/her own time. It is our desire that every child will be shaped by dance in some way and share their passion with others in the classroom and through performance.
Thank You for being part of the DelMonico Dance Family!
~~~We are looking forward to a fantastic year~~~
DelMonico Dance Recreational Calendar
Spring Break: April 9—16, 2017
No Class: May 29, 2017
Final Class Day: June 3, 2017
Recital Date: June 10, 2017